Saturday, 16 October 2010

Big One is Back!

Strange title I know, but it's true.  My big computer is back online whoooop!  I have been using my husband's netbook that he won a year ago, and it is really awful to use when there is a lot to type.  Its ok for fb and a short email etc.....but pants at blogging or writing.

Had a bit of a teary day yesterday.  Amy and Adam had their school photos home.  I never realised how grown up Amy looked until I saw her in that photo, I know she isnt even 5 yet but she looked very much like my oldest niece and her hair is like my mother's.  I even saw a bit of my eldest child in her strangely enough.  As for Adam, well you can tell they are definately brother and sister, he has that cheeky grin from my side, and at 8 he is starting look if not acting grown up!  Spud had his taken last week, so when they come through I'm kinda dreading it, but will put them up on the wall in frames!

Not sure if I will ever get the hang of blooging (blogging even).  I could say the same thing about this weight watchers plan im on.  However I really cant give any kicks up the tushy would be appreciated.

Ok back to the madness of today.


Kooks xxxxxxx

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    How do you think I feel? My eldest is 22 and a young man. It does not seem two minutes since he was wearing his red cardigan and tie at primary school.
    Blogging is good for a cathartic blast, so keep it up. Just don't put yourself under pressure to do it all the time, do it when it feels right. Mx
