Hi guys
I realise that I have been lapse recently with blogging. My children have broken up for the school holidays and life is more chaotic than normal.
The Wards are heading north to Argyll and a small village called Lochgoilhead for two weeks. During which the family and I will be visiting Edinburgh, Loch Ness, Loch Lomond and Inverary to mention just a few of the many places. I'm particularly excited about Edinburgh, as we are going to Edinburgh Castle, King Arthur's seat and Holyrood House. For an avid royalist and historical buff, I can't wait. I am meeting Marguerite Kaye, Alison Lodge, Katie Graham and Raven McAllen too. I'm going to be so gushy.
Plus there will be a few surprises in store as I have handed our wedding anniversary and my birthday days into my husband's hands.
So for the next two weeks I will be in the wilds of Scotland. Internetless and hopefully ticking off the foods I want to try off on my list.
Before I leave, I wanted to share with you my first cover from Secret Cravings Publishing. My book called the MisAdventures of Pann Haggerty is out at the end of August. I am editing and reworking the stories, bringing more romance and quirky humour into the book.
Isn't this a great cover? When the edits are okayed from the very lovely Lori, I shall be able to post a snippets weekly up to release date. This is the first of a three part series about an Englishwoman of a certain age, travelling around America in an RV.
From kooks who is about to head 'North Miss Testmarker' I bid everyone adieu.
Keep it Kooky
Have a good trip! Though of course I know you will ;)